For the past few weeks the Kinsale Covid19 Volunteer group has been bringing some joy and cheer to the cocooning and vulnerable members of our community in the form of care packs and hot meals. However the group is delighted that one of our volunteers, Colette Connolly, has found a way to bring joy to the little residents of our wonderful town who are also undoubtedly feeling the effects of the global pandemic and are missing their little school friends and activities.
While listening to the Mairead Ronan show on TodayFM last week Colette heard Niamh from the Irish Fairy Door Company offering to send fairy doors throughout the country. Colette called up to nominate Kinsale and later that evening received the good news that 50 Fairy Doors would be winging their way to beautiful Kinsale with a little assistance from GLS.
Since Monday the fairies have been very busy locating their doors throughout Kinsale trying to get to as many estates and streets as possible so that when little people are out for their exercise within their 2km radius they will have lots of fun spotting the tiny fairy residences!
The colourful doors are popping up all over Kinsale, in gardens, on trees, on fences, and in public places where it is hoped the County Council, Tidy Towns and Mens Shed members may help keep them all shiny and sparkly so they will last for years.
If you are strolling around Kinsale and environs why not take a photo whenever you see one of these very special doors and post it on your social media channels using the hashtags #neighbourhoodfairies #Kinsale #inthistogether
A huge thank you to Niamh at the Irish Fairy Door Company, and TodayFM, for this magical gesture helping to spread joy during these strange times.