Kinsale Youth Support Services are pleased to announce the appointment of Kinsale man, Ger Rice as the Health Support Worker for the organisation. Ger commenced his duties on the Friday 1st September last, and he brings with him many years’ experience in youth work and community affairs. With over 12 years’ experience working with young people and their families, Ger looks forward to serving our community to promote mental health awareness.
Ger is a firm believer that as a community we can reduce the stigma attached to mental health and open everyone up to building conversations that do not marginalise us. 1 in 4 people struggle with their mental health. Amazingly people are more afraid of being judged by their peers than seeking help. To support our communities we need to promote, that it's ‘ok not to be ok’. We need to learn how to communicate with one and another, and let it be known that's its good to talk.
Kinsale Youth Support Services is free and confidential service, providing avenues for people to reach out to family, peers, heath workers and their own community to reduce and eliminate the stigma attached to mental health. We also have qualified counsellors who work with KYSS to signpost people that may require further help, either through individual sessions or family sessions.
Ger will be available to talk on 085 8725789, or in person at the KYSS Centre, Guardwell 2 Cork Street, Kinsale by appointment.
For further information please log on to or Facebook or download our App - KYSS
Take Care Help is There