These are very challenging and upsetting times for everyone but in typical Kinsale fashion people have come together to volunteer and help the vulnerable, elderly or those in isolation during these trying days. Following on from an effort by Clontead Covid19 Volunteer Group, a shout-out to people in the Kinsale area to set up a similar group garnered over thirty volunteers within 24 hours. An ad was placed in the Kinsale Advertiser with the list of names and contact numbers who could help with collecting shopping, medical supplies, or just providing reassurance to those in need. Super Valu Kinsale agreed to include the Kinsale Advertiser with shopping deliveries which ensured that those most in need would get the list. Posters and fliers were also printed to distribute to strategic locations around Kinsale. Special thanks to Martin of Rhino Print & Design for giving a huge discount on the printing of same.
The Kinsale Covid19 Volunteer group now has over 65 members willing to help around the Kinsale area. Kinsale GAA responded with a large number of volunteers, Kinsale Gardaí have also been in touch to say that they are available to help, this will be of reassurance particularly to elderly people. While another group member, Helena Farrell, is a Healthcare Teacher and RGN in Kinsale College - she is currently putting together a team of volunteers who are training to be carers and are available to help. This may be of particular interest to people whose carers have to go into isolation or are ill. It was also suggested that that the list might be of benefit to people living abroad who may have older family members in Kinsale.
A huge thank you to everyone who has volunteered or helped to spread the word and to Trish and Sharon of Clontead Covid19 group for providing their template.
Kinsale is an amazing town! Keep safe, stay home and flatten the curve x