Kinsale Hallowe'en Parade 2012
Posted by Kinsale Newsletter on Thursday 8 November 2012

The Kinsale Hallowe'en Parade was instigated in 2005 by Rosita Kingston, borrowing the idea from Port Townsed, near Seattle, where she used to live. After putting in a lot of her own time & effort to organise and advertise it, the whole town got dressed up and came so Rosita now continues to run it yearly to be a fun event for the whole community. Slightly different each year with different performers, sometimes music, sometimes prizes - but always colourful & fun!

Rosita would like to thank Supervalu for hosting the collection boxes at their checkouts during October. Thanks also to all of you who put money in the boxes and to the coin counters: Katherine & Fiona Burguin. Thanks to this year's fabulous performers: Penny Hancock (Giant Witch Puppet) & Vicky Ridgeway (Cloaked Assistant). Thanks to Dermot Ryan for his abiding interest and support, to the Kinsale Good Food Circle for their donation & to all who showed up on Hallowe'en, October 31st 2012, and paraded through the town in costume. It was a lot of fun.
See you same time, same place, next year!!!

Monies raised, paid performers & purchased treats with some left over to buy a loud hailer for next year!
Contact Rosita Kingston with ideas, offers of help - anything which you thing will help us build a better Hallowe'en event.

Photo by Rosita Kingston.


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