Kinsale Lions second annual Walking Festival has been scheduled to take place this October 15th and 16th next. On Saturday 15th a 15km walk to Sandycove and back will start at 11am, check in at Kinsale Community School between 9.30am and 10.45am. Sunday will see the Haven to Harbour Walk with another 11am start. Check in at Kinsale Rugby Club between 9.30am and 10.45 for this 15km walk.
To assist with planning please pre-register online at or in person at the Boathouse Gallery, Main Street, Kinsale. Registrations can also be taken on the day at each starting point. Registration fee fro both days is €25 or €20 for a single day.
A Social evening will be held in the Trident on Saturday 15th October from 8pm. Bar food will be available with a band and guest appearance by Canoryon Lowen Choir.
Kinsale Lions Walking Festival offers walks for all ages and abilities and was created by Kinsale Lions Club to provide a festival for all the community whilst raising funds for Lions Charities. Further details can be found at
Kinsale Lions Club is a regulated charity and is 100% voluntary.