Wishing Kinsale native, Declan Greenway, the very best of luck as he launches his memoir in Kinsale next week, ‘Kinsale to Kabul, And Places in Between’.
The launch will take place in St Multose Church, on 21 October at 19.30 by kind permission of Rev. Peter Rutherford.
Kinsale to Kabul is a fascinating memoir in which Declan recounts his conflict management role in some of the world’s most intractable conflicts in the Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia and how these hostilities continue to shape the world in which we live.
Philip McDonagh, poet, former diplomat and current Director of the Centre for Religion, Human Values and International Relations at Dublin City University, will perform the official launch.
All are welcome on the night to the launch of what will no doubt be a wonderful read.