The Kinsale St. Patrick's Day Parade committee is delighted that Brian Graham has accepted their invitation to be Grand Marshal of the 2015 Parade. Brian is known to many for his tireless work behind the scenes for Kinsale Chamber of Tourism over the past 5 decades as well as being an active member of the Tidy Towns, particularly in the early years of that competition.
This year's St. Patrick's Day parade already looks set to be a great event. There are going to be extra prizes added: the new Spirit of Kinsale in memory of the late Eileen Murphy who was a much-loved committee member, the Best Built Float Award and the award for Best Teenage Entry.
Our special thanks goes out to all the groups who have assisted with fundraising to date: Kinsale Rampart Players, Kinsale Folk Group, Kinsale Crochet Group, Kinsale Music Promotions, and others. Huge thanks also to those who supported the Coffee Morning and Book Sale on February 7th which raised €2019 for the event.
A Church Gate Collection will take place this weekend, February 21st/22nd and your support again would be very much appreciated.
Flags and bunting will be hung around the town on Tuesday March 3rd so if anyone can lend a hand with this job the committee would be delighted! Also if anyone is available to help with stewarding on the day please email or contact any member of the committee.